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Listed in this page you can find the different projects I’ve been working on, ones are mantained (or in progress) 🟢, and other(s) the development may stop or is stopped 🔴.

  • 🟢 tmdbR. R package (developed w/ Isabela Zeberio) designed to interact with the TMDB API directly from R, with some tools just to scrap data and other to transform/manipulate it.

    Although we keep mantaining this package, we did for our Master, so you can see some cool visualizations we did with the data here.

  • 🟢 libretranslateR. R bind to LibreTranslate API: translate, detect languages, obtain the available languages to translate from and to. You can even selfhost a LibreTranslate server and do your translations offline!

  • 🟢 opentranslatr. Translate in R using opensource frontends for common translations engines such as Google Translate.

  • 🟢 Redirect CheckR. Simple R package for checking all the redirections a URL request makes. Useful for unshorten short links, avoid intermedium trackers or debug. Blog post

  • 🟢 pkgcsv. Tiny R package for export and import your R packages from one installation to another using .csv files. Pretty few options for now, but I will try to add more features.

  • 🔴 Cercanías Madrid Dashboard. This is a Shiny Dashboard that shows the incidents (delays, cancellations, etc.) from the public railway transportation of the Community of Madrid, from 2015 to June 2023 (when Elon Musk shutdown the possibility of obtaining data for free with the Twitter API). This was my Master’s final project, and the source code is stored here.

    For this project, I scrapped data with the official API and with snscrape (an unofficial Python library), and then I used R for cleaning it and visualised it with Shiny. With a custom Docker image, I encapsulated the whole process of scrapping, cleaning and visualisation in a container that updated the info every day at 3am.

And more coming soon!

Mario Yanes
Mario Yanes
Data scientist based at Spain